Thursday, May 21, 2009

My New Favorite Cook Book

My sister-in-law, Jennie, recently got me involved in an organic Produce Club. So every Monday I go and see my new friend Katy and she gives me a basket of produce.  (OK, so it is not really a basket, it is a paper bag.  I have to admit it took a bit of childish joy out of the situation when I found out.  Yet now I just bring my own basket, keep the joy, and save a paper bag!)  She loads me up with all kinds of fresh, in season goodies. You never know what is going to be in your bag until she emails you on Sunday to remind you of your pick up. I am always anxiously awaiting the arrival of the email. "What will be in my basket?  What wonderful and new creations am I going to make that week for dinner?"  The produce is always organic, in season and is as local and she can get it.

With this new and adventurous produce in my refrigerator I needed inspiration.  Well, more than inspiration, a guide book to these new and wonderful yummies.  My new kitchen bible is a cook book recommended to me by Jennie.

She told me about “Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone” By Deborah Madison.  Anyone interested in cooking healthy meals with all kinds of yummy vegetables should own one. I have had many a cook book in my day and this beats all. Please note that I am a carnivore. I do eat mostly fish and chicken, but also on occasion beef of any type. Be it buffalo or goat. Yet, this cook book has been the best I have invested in. Not only teaching me how to properly chop vegetables I have yet to have experience with. But also, what wines go best with which vegetables, and how to properly store and trim each vegetable or fruit I come across. It is the most used book in my house. I love it!

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